The Real Reasons Your Technology Content Isn't Performing

December 13, 2022

Technology companies exist in every niche, from artificial intelligence to cellular signal boosters to email marketing. Developers build technologies that make things easier, improve our lives, and introduce new inventions that pave the way toward the future. For tech developers, sharing their discoveries and marketing their products can help build their businesses and make their offerings even better.

That’s where content comes in. Creating valuable information that helps your customers and prospects in some way is essential to building valuable relationships, as well as for generating qualified leads and converting those leads to customers.

Why your technology content isn’t converting

Communicating about your technology and educating people about your products is crucial to any company’s success, and we know that creating content that resonates with your audience can be challenging. Still, you must publish content that speaks your readers’ language and helps solve their problems if you want to generate interest and drive conversions. Otherwise, your readers will end up feeling confused and unsure of what to do next.

Here are a few reasons why your content isn’t driving leads:

  • Your content is too “techy.” Readers who find your site through an online search might not have the technological background that you do, and could potentially have trouble reading content that is full of esoteric terms or industry jargon. If you really want to reach people, you must publish content that speaks to your audience without the “techiness.” Remember to write in the voice of your audience, not your CTO.
  • Your services are unclear. Telling your story and describing your products in a clear, approachable way is a must. Readers will eventually leave your site if they don't understand how your services can help them. Unclear content can be confusing and even misleading, and that can leave a bad impression.
  • You only talk about yourself. Content marketing is all about educating people and meeting their needs, not tooting your own horn. When all you do is try to sell your product or service, you’re missing out on a valuable opportunity to form a relationship with your readers.
  • Readers can’t find the value. Readers and potential leads will come to your site looking for solutions to their problems. If they can’t find answers to their problems, learn something interesting, or see that your products or services can help them, they will most certainly leave and look for answers elsewhere.

How to create effective content

In order to create content that people will care about, step out of the tech bubble and put yourself in your readers’ shoes. Consider their perspective and write in a way that they can understand and appreciate. Focus on providing value over making the sale.

Here are a couple ways to write content that reaches your audience:

  • Create buyer personas. Take the time to write semi-fictional depictions of your ideal customers based data from your existing customers. This can help you frame your content for a particular audience, touching on the issues they care about using language they are familiar with.
  • Track your content’s performance. If you already have some content — email newsletters, landing pages, or a blog — then make sure you measuring those pages with tracking tools like Google Analytics. Learn which pages perform the best and become familiar with the path your readers take from prospect to lead.

Just because your technology is top-notch doesn’t mean that you can leave your content strategy to drive itself. When it comes to gathering new leads, it’s all about providing information and solutions that your readers find interesting, educational, and valuable. Take the time to learn about your audience, speak to their needs, and watch what performs the best in order to start seeing those conversions.

Partner with Strats & Roadmaps

Marketing your own technology content isn’t easy. It’s tough to be an expert in your industry as well as learn the best ways to market your business. It helps to have a partner who can tell your story and get your content in front of the right readers.

Learn how Strats & Roadmaps can help you develop an inbound marketing strategy, to drive more leads and grow your business.

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